Kry Vårdcentral Triangeln

Welcome to Kry Healthcare centre Triangeln in Malmö. You can see a doctor, district nurse, nurse, psychologists, physiotherapist and dietician with us. We also have a child care center in the same premises. We can help you with both acute complaints and chronic illnesses.


Opening hours





Södra Förstadsgatan 54

21143 Malmö

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Other Information

Södervärn evening and weekend clinic Phone number: 077-1890911 Opening hours: Monday–Friday 17.00–21.00, Saturday–Sunday and public holidays 10.00–21.00.

Som patient hos oss kan du få hjälp med mer – både i appen och på vårdcentralen. Välj oss som din vårdcentral för att få tillgång till fler tjänster redan idag.

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Get help

Welcome to urgent appointment

We offer urgent appointments at some of our clinics. In these appointments, we can help you with minor problems that need treating quickly.

Welcome to Kry BVC Triangeln!

Vi tar hand om hela familjen – även de allra minsta. Vår barnavårdscentral ligger i samma hus som vårdcentralen.

Barnmorskemottagning i samma hus

Vår barnmorskemottagning (BMM) finns här för dig med stöd, omsorg och vård – genom hela livet. Få hjälp med allt från gynekologi och sexuell hälsa till graviditet och klimakteriet.

Allergy vaccination

When standard allergy medications are not enough, allergy vaccination can be an alternative. At our healthcare center, we offer AIT (allergen immunotherapy) for those suffering from severe allergies to birch pollen, timothy grass, or dust mites. The treatment consists of tablets, and follow-up is conveniently conducted through video consultations.

Welcome to Kry Healthcare centre Triangeln

Are you curious about our healthcare centres? In this video, Khaled, specialist in general medicine, welcomes you to Kry Vårdcentral Triangeln.

Directions to Kry Vårdcentral Triangeln

Södra Förstadsgatan 5421143 MalmöDirection