Get the help you need in 9 minutes

Chat, video calls and clinics
Doctors, nurses, psychologists and physiotherapists
Available 24/7 in our app
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million appointments


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Get help today

Talk with a doctor or nurse
Prata med erfaren vårdpersonal dygnet runt i appen.
Register with Kry
Find a clinic close to you.
Renew your prescription
Förnya dina recept snabbt i appen.
Talk with a psychologist online
Read about you mental health options.

How Kry works

Book an appointment

Start by logging in with your BankID. Tell us what you or your child needs help with, then choose a time that suits you.

Get the care you need

We can treat many symptoms in a video call in the app. If you need it, you can book at one of our health clinics too.

Continue your care

Book a follow-up appointment, renew a prescription, or begin proactive care to feel your best.

Get help

Quality care you can trust

Our experienced healthcare professionals are here to help you have an easier care journey, from checkups to ongoing health management.

People choose Kry because our professionals:

  • cover primary and specialist care, such as dermatology
  • speak 24 languages – from Arabic to Ukrainian
  • care for you and your family throughout life

Prices and payment

For digital care in the Kry app, the price is based on the region where you’re registered. For care at one of our clinics, the price is based on the clinic’s region.

Read about prices and payment