Great healthcare for everyone

We’re Europe’s leading digital-first healthcare provider with a mission to provide better access and efficient care for everyone.

million appointments

5 000

healthcare professionals


physical clinics


constant App rating

We’re Europe’s leading digital-first healthcare provider

Our CEO, Johannes Schildt started Kry Livi in 2015 to make it easier for patients to access the healthcare they needed, quickly and easily.

Since then — having delivered over 8 million patient appointments across Sweden, Norway, France and the UK— we’re transforming how patients access high quality healthcare.

Groupe de patients

Combining our technology with our network of online healthcare professionals, we enable and direct patients to the right care in the right setting — whether that’s in-person at one of our clinics or online via our websites and our app — creating a more sustainable and resource-efficient healthcare system.

The right solution for your needs

We’re helping millions of patients by connecting the dots between primary and specialist care.

Approche unique de la santé

We do health differently

We help patients with many different health concerns, from chronic diseases to minor infections, supporting a diverse range of patients to improve health equity and deliver millions of appointments across Europe every day.

Nous sommes uniques

Our unique approach

We’re the only company to combine scalable tech with clinical expertise and physical clinics to address a greater share of care needs

Nous travaillons en partenariat avec l'ensemble du système de santé

We partner across the health system

We’re improving health outcomes for patients by navigating complex and fragmented health systems to build partnerships across public and private sectors.

Nous construisons un réseau de santé

We’re building a health network

Our idea of health is one that is inclusive and integrated, proactive and connected. Using our platform and processes we deliver scalable healthcare by joining the dots between primary and secondary care, private and public, so every patient can navigate care better and efficiently.

Our partners

region stockholm logo
region skåne
logo elsan